We have MOSO® bamboo experts located all around the world to help you with your every bamboo need. Find the experts closest to you here.
Adam Smithweg 2
1689 ZW Zwaag
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)229 26 57 32
F +31 (0)229 26 77 59
E info@moso.eu
C/ Pau Claris, 83
Principal 2ª
08010 Barcelona
T +34 9357 49610
F +34 9356 07138
E contact@moso.eu
PO Box 793
1741 Valley Forge Road
Worcester, PA 19490
7 Glosderry Road
7708 Cape Town
South Africa
T +27 2167 11214
F 0866 188461
E contact@moso-bamboo.co.za
Via Antonio Locatelli, 86
20853 Biassono (MB)
T +39 039 9005440
F +39 039 9005433
E mosoitalia@moso.eu
Moso International B.V HQ
E info@moso.eu
T +31 (0)229 26 57 32
Pedro Neto
E pneto@moso.eu
T 00351 938316459
Marco Pirotta
E mpirotta@moso.eu
T +39 039 900544
MOSO® develops and creates bamboo products for interior and exterior applications that meet the highest technical requirements and quality standards, enhance the beauty of applications and are made from the sustainable, renewable resource Moso bamboo.
1741 Valley Forge Rd
Ste. 793
Worcester PA 19490